martes, 28 de abril de 2009


On April 28 with the exchange of Lithuania and Rábade we went to the beach of the Catedrales in Ribadeo.
The time wasn´t good but we enjoyed it.
When we arrived we had to go walk up a while to come to the beach of the Catedrales. When we got there we had to wait a bit until it was low tide, to go down to see the caves. When we went down we saw the caves and the girls from Rábade decided to get off their shoes and the boys from Lithuania and Rábade started asking if the sand was cold.
We took some beautiful photos.
On the way back some people got wet feet and trousers. We went for a walk along the path above, took some photos all together and then we headed for the restaurant.
They all liked the beach because the arches and the big caves are very nice...
After eating we saw Ribadeo and Mondoñedo, and, finally we returned to Rábade.

O día 28 de Abril co intercambio de Lituanaia Rábade fomos a praia das catedrais en Ribadeo. O tempo non nos acompañou moito pero tampouco nos queixamos. Cando chegamos tivemos que ir andando un cachiño ata chegar a praia das Catedrais, cando chegamos tivemos que esperar un pouco a que baixara a marea para poder baixar e ver as covas. Cando baixamos estubemos vendo as covas,e unhas rapazas de Rábade decidiron sacar os zapatos e tanto os rapazes de Lituania como os de Rábade preguntaban se a area non estaba moi fría,sacamos unhas fotos geniales!!, e algúns o volver para arriba e irnos mollaron os pés e o pantalón. Estivemos por riba no paseo,sacamos unhas fotos todos xuntos e voltamos cara atras para ir comer o restaurante.A praia a todos nos gustou porque os arcos son moi bonitos e as grandes covas... Despois de rematar de comer visitamos Ribadeo e Mondoñedo, e , finalmente voltamos para Rábade.

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