lunes, 27 de abril de 2009


At 8:30 a.m. we went to the school and while our Lithuanian friends were visiting the school with the teachers, we practised our oral presentations. After the school tour, we made the presentations.

Next we did some "getting to know each other" games. Later we went to the Town Hall and we had a reception with some snacks in the Ágora bar.

A bit later we were with Ramón in the arts classroom, drawing the characters of a legend, legend that we recorded with Esperanza in the computer room later in the week. We recorded it in Galician, Spanish, English and Lithuanian. We also sang the song "A Rianxeira" and then the Lithuanians taught us a Lithuanian song too.

A las 8:30h de la mañana fuimos al colegio y a continuación, hicimos las presentaciones. Hicimos unos juegos de conocimiento. Fuimos al ayuntamiento y tuvimos una recepcion con pinchos en el Ágora.
Más tarde, mentres os nosos amigos lituanos vían o centro cos profesores, nós estabamos practicando a nosa presentación.

Despois estivemos con Ramón na aula de debuxo, debuxando uns personaxes dunha lenda, lenda que grabamos con Esperanza na aula de informática en galego, castelán, inglés e lituano.
Tamén estivemos cantando a canción de "A Rianxeira" e, entón os lituanos amosáronnos tamén unha canción en lituano.

María Ferreiro y Alexandra Méndez

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